
Saturday 9 May 2015

President congratulates UK Prime Minister on election victory

President Goodluck Jonathan and UK Prime Minister, David Cameron.President Goodluck Jonathan has congratulated the Prime Minister of England and his party, Conservative on their victory at the polls on Thursday, May 7.
In a statement by the President's Special Adviser on Media and Publicity , Dr Reuben Abati, Jonathan extends best wishes to Cameron and the Conservative, and assures them of Nigeria’s continued relationship with Britain.
The statement said, “the President expects that the historic relationship between Nigeria and Britain which received a significant boost during the past five years of his Presidency in Nigeria and Mr. Cameron’s first term in office, will continue to blossom in coming years for the benefit of both countries and their citizens.
“President Jonathan particularly hopes that both countries will continue to strengthen current bilateral cooperation between them in critical areas such as the fight against insurgency and terrorism, education, trade, infrastructure and the achievement of Nigeria’s development targets.
“The President wishes Prime Minister Cameron a very successful new term in office and trusts that he will continue to serve the people of Britain and the global community to the best of his immense God-given abilities.”
Having won a clear majority in parliament, Britain prepares to form a new British Government.

Buhari to pay N9bn as allowances to lawmakers, ministers upon assumption of office

Muhammadu BuhariMinisters, and the the 8th National Assembly comprising of Senators and members of the House of Representatives that will be appointed by the President-elect retired General Muhammadu Buhari will get the sum of N9 billion as welcome incentives,Punch reports.
The  benefits include housing and furniture allowances, and motor vehicle loan.
As prescribed by the Revenue MobilisationAllocation andFiscal Commission, the perks are the non-regular allowances political office holders are entitled to.
The Commission stipulates that they get housing allowance -  once a year; furniture allowance – once in four years; and motor vehicle loan once in their tenure.
The office holders are also expected to be paid other allowances,  apart from housing, furniture and motor vehicle at the beginning of their tenure.
According to Punch, each senator will get N4, 052, 800 as they resume office as housing allowance – renewable yearly.
With the total number of senators at 109, it means N433, 649, 600 million will be paid to senators for housing annually.
The housing allowance excludes the Senate President and the Deputy Senate President because the Federal Government provides accommodation for them
In other words, the total sum that will be dolled out in payment for allowances to all the incoming office holders amounts to about N9 billion.
However, the sum of N3.24 billion, according to reports, is expected to be paid to the outgoing President Goodluck Jonathan, Vice-President Namadi Sambo, non-returning federal lawmakers, ministers and aides to the President as severance allowance.

Shekau Flees Nigeria As Military Deploys Special Forces To Track Him

Boko Haram Nl

As the military deploys its special force units to track the fleeing lead­er of the Boko Haram sect, Abuba­kar Shekau, there are strong indi­cations that the terror kingpin may have fled Nigeria through the help of Islamic State (ISIS) groups operating in East and North Africa.
Saturday Sun gathered that with the recent loss of his group’s caliphate headquarters, Gwoza to the Nigerian troops and the invasion of Sambisa forest by a detachment of the na­tion’s special force units deployed from their base in Makurdi, Benue State, the Boko Haram leader saw his capture as imminent.
According to dependable military intelli­gence sources, Shekau had to send emissaries to ISIS affiliates with strongholds in East and North Africa to pave the way for his escape to their region from where he intends to coordi­nate his group’s activities or ultimately relocate to ISIS headquarters in the Middle East.
One of the sources revealed that “having discovered that he was being tracked through his Thuraya satellite phone, Shekau recently dropped the line and handset totally to evade capture.
But the last satellite image of him and other intelligence pieced together by forces on the battle frontline show his desperation to es­cape from the country to parts of East Africa or North Africa where ISIS is having some foot­holds.”
The source, a red neck military chief further told Saturday Sun that “as part of moves being made by Shekau, he now relocates with few­er guards and limited number of lieutenants knowing his movement schedule.
This is to frustrate intelligence gathering efforts by se­curity forces and avoid attracting the focus of satellite image capturing technology deployed by some foreign super powers and shared with the Nigerian security forces.”
It was gathered that as part of his bid to es­cape the heat of ongoing military operations in the Northeast Nigeria, Shekau has in the last few weeks changed his look and physical ap­pearance dramatically.
“A recent intelligence from one of our foreign partners shows the Boko Haram leader clean shaven which total­ly alters his look. That heightens our curiosity about his motive, before we got other evidence that pointed to the fact that he was trying to cross the border”, the source added.
The militant group had on March 7 pledged allegiance to the leadership of ISIS in Iraq and Syria.
The pledge, which was made by Shekau, who addressed himself as the Imam of Ja­maátu Ahlus Sunnah Lidda’awati Wal Jihad (Boko Haram) and was addressed to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi al-Husseini al-Qurashi, the lead­er of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) or Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).
“From your brother in Allah, Abu Mohamed Abu Bakr bin Mohammed Shekau, the Imam of Jamaátu Ahlus Sunnah Lidda Awaati Wal Jihad to the Caliph of Muslims Abubakar Abu Bakr Ibrahim ibn Awad ibn Ibrahim al-Husseini al-Qurashi.
“We are sending you this message, following what Allah said in his Quran (And hold fast, all of you together, to the Rope of Allah and be not divided among yourselves) and what the Proph­et, Peace be upon him said (Whoever died and he had not Imam, died by death of ignorance).
“In submission to the order of Allah “Azza wa Jal”, and submission to the order of the prophet, peace be upon him to not separate from each other and to stay united as Ummah as Jammaaáh, We announce our allegiance to the Caliph of the Muslims Ibrahim ibn Awad ibn Ibrahim al-Husseini al-Qurashi and will hear and obey in times of difficulty and prosperity, in hardship and ease, and to endure being dis­criminated against and not to dispute about rule with those in power, except in case of evident infidelity,” read an English-language translation of the video broadcast in Arabic.
ISIS has a few foreign groups from which it has accepted pledges, including Ansar Bayt al-Maqdisi in the Egyptian Sinai and groups of fighters in strategic areas of Libya. ISIS has a shura council that dictates the group’s strategic direction but takes a devolved, hands-off approach on tactical matters.
A week after the pledge of allegiance by Boko Haram, ISIS leadership in a statement accepted the militant group into its fold, with a promise to work with it to establish an ISIS cell in West Africa. In an audio message, a man who claimed to be the spokesperson for the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, ISIS, said the group’s aim of establishing a caliphate has now been expanded to West Africa.
As earlier exclusively by Saturday Sun, Shekau had stayed in crisis-ridden Northern Mali to coordinate the training and opera­tions of the militant group before they were flushed out of there by a joint French and Af­rican forces, including Nigerian troops. He thereafter crossed the porous borders to join his foot soldiers in Borno State.
“He may not find it easy to return to Mali this time round but we suspect he may be targeting East Africa or parts of North Africa such as Libya and Egypt where some islamist groups are causing instability now”, a senior military chief involved in the prosecution of the war against the militant group told Satur­day Sun, adding that he cannot categorically say whether Shekau had indeed escaped or still in the country.
“On whether he has successfully escaped from Nigeria, I have no such information but at the same time I cannot rule that out because of his level of desperation to flee and his links with some other groups with­in the region and even beyond”, the source stressed, adding:
“What we strongly believe at this moment is that he is still within our reach or that of our neighbours; especially Niger and Chad. He may find it difficult to move beyond these borders and may end up returning to one of our remote villages in the North-East to hide.”
The source also stated that Shekau had told some of his close lieutenants that he would rather die from gunshot from his guards than being killed by the Nigerian troops whom he regards as “infidels.”
“One of his captured commanders once disclosed that Shekau had given instructions to his personal guards to shoot him dead in the face of a confrontation with our troops who he calls infidels. He believes that makes him a martyr”, the source added.
When contacted on the information that Shekau had fled the country between the last week of March and the first two weeks of April, the acting Director of Public Rela­tions, Nigeria Army, Colonel Sani Usman said, “We have an ongoing war against ter­rorists in this country and we are determined by all means and what it takes to eliminate, capture all terrorists and destroy all their known camps.
“If in the process, any of their leaders is captured, so be it because the whole war is not about an individual. We are also deter­mined to arrest all of them dead or alive.”

Thursday 7 May 2015

Jackie Chan 'supports death penalty' for drug offences

Hong Kong actor Jaycee Chan bows after a news conference at a hotel in Beijing Saturday, Feb. 14, 2015.

Hong Kong actor Jackie Chan has said he supports the use of the death penalty for some drug offenders.
Chan, whose son was jailed for drugs offences, said that with drugs "you're hurting thousands of young children".
Jaycee Chan spent six months in prison in China after police found marijuana in his home.
Jackie Chan is Singapore's first celebrity anti-drug ambassador. He was named official Narcotics Control Ambassador by Chinese police in 2009.
Both Singapore and China have enforced capital punishment for drug trafficking.
In an interview with journalists conducted in both English and Mandarin, he said drugs were not only hurting young people, they were hurting his family.

"On some issues, I do support the death penalty," he said.
"When you're hurting thousands and thousands of young children, I think these kind of people are useless.
"You should get the right punishment."
He added: "[Young people say] 'it's okay, it's just like a cigarette'. I say 'it's not okay, not in my family'."
Jaycee, 32, was imprisoned for not just using drugs, but for the additional and more serious crime of "providing a shelter for others to abuse drugs", Beijing police said at the time.
When asked about Jaycee's time in prison, Chan said he felt "ashamed" and "shocked" and that he was now more focussed on his son.
"I'm more concentrating on him now, used to be just, 'you are a grown man.' But now I find out, he's still a boy," Chan said.

First Lady currently in Congo – Presidency

First Lady, Dame Patience JonathanDue to her long absence from public functions, the Presidency has issued a statement on the whereabouts of First Lady,Patience Jonathan in order to address widespread concerns.
According to the Presidency, Mrs Jonathan is currently in The Republic of Congo to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the launch of the Congo Assistance Foundation.
The foundation is the brainchild of Congolese first lady, Madam Antoinette Sassou-Nguesso.
The update on Mrs Jonathan’s location was provided via a statement released by her media aide, Ayo Adewuyi.
It reads:
“First Lady, Dame Patience Faka Jonathan is in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo, joining other African First Ladies for the celebration of the 30th Anniversary of Congo Assistance Foundation, an NGO of Congolese First Lady, Madam Antoinette Sassou-Nguesso.”
 The First Ladies of Benin Republic, Senegal, Mali, Tchad, Niger, Guinea Conakry are also in Brazzaville for the grand finale of the week-long programmes during which a National Center for Sickle Cell disease was inaugurated.”
“Dame Patience Jonathan was received on arrival by Nigeria’s Ambassador to Congo Brazzaville, Princess ‎Onipede in company of top Congolese officials.”
Mrs Jonathan has remained unusually silent ever since her husband, President Goodluck Jonathan lost the March 28 presidential elections.

Jimi Agbaje will never be governor - Oba of Lagos maintains

Oba of Lagos, Rilwan Akiolu, says Jimi Agbaje who contested and lost the Lagos governorship seat in the last governorship election will never be governor of Lagos state.

Oba Akiolu who first stated this in April while making his controversial speech to Igbo leaders, said he still maintains his position that Mr Agbaje will not be governor of the state. Oba Akiolu said this while speaking at the public policy lecture organized by the Institute of Directors, IoD and launch of the book "The Example: The Era of Babatunde Raji Fashola as Governor of Lagos State,’ in Lagos yesterday May 6th. Read what the Oba said ...
"On May 14, 2014 when I first told all residents of Lagos that the next governor of the state will be Ambode, many didn’t believe me. I knew all the waters that have passed under the bridge, including my own blood relations, who without consulting me went with others to say that Bola Tinubu, Fashola and Oba Akiolu have pocketed Lagos, saying that this time, they will not allow that. And I told them that Jimi (Agbaje) will never be the governor. I still maintain it. There is no going back. I have no doubt in my mind, with the cooperation and prayers of everyone, Ambode will perform very well. I told many people that Bola Tinubu planted the seed, Fashola came and watered the seed and it started germinating in geometrical progressions. We have just started" he said (Source: Vanguard)
Photo above: Lagos State Governor Babatunde Fashola, SAN (left), Oba of Lagos, Oba Rilwan Akiolu (middle) and the Ojora of Ijora Kingdom, Oba Fatai Aromire (right) during the Institute of Directors Nigeria Public Policy Lecture at the Shell Hall, Muson Centre, Onikan, Lagos Island, on Wednesday, May 6, 2015.

World War II Poland to host 70th remembrance anniversary event

World War II: Poland to host 70th remembrance anniversary event
As the world marks the 70th remembrance of World War II,  thePolish port of Gdansk is set to play host to European leaders.
BBC reports that a midnight ceremony will be held at nearbyWesterplatte, where the first shots of the war were fired.
Expected at the remembrance ceremony are presidents of several countries including BulgariaCzech Republic, Estonia, Lithuania, Romania and Ukraine.
Also, France is to send Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drianand Germany will send former president Horst Koehler.
While the anniversary will be marked by other events around the world over the weekend, a military parade in Moscow on Saturday is being boycotted by most Western countries owing to the soured relations between the West and Russia over the latter's annexation of Crimea last year and support for rebels in eastern Ukraine.
In an interview with a Polish publication, Polish PresidentBronislaw Komorowski said the end of World War II did not bring freedom to eastern Europe because states were "subordinated against their will" by the Soviet Union.
Nazi Germany invaded Poland on 1 September 1939, shelling a Polish garrison at Gdansk. 2 days later, the UK and France declared war on Germany.

Wednesday 6 May 2015

Wole Soyinka denies making anti-Igbo comments

Nobel Laureate, Wole SoyinkaNobel Laureate, Wole Soyinka has denied making anti-Igbo comments recently attributed to him.
Soyinka also said that anyone who believes that he made the statements is a moron.
The eminent playwright made the clarification via a statement released on Wednesday, May 6, 2015.
The statement reads:
"I have just read a statement attributed to me on something called The Cable, a news outlet, evidently one of the Internet infestations.”
“My lecture at the Hutchins Centre, Harvard University, was video recorded. Anyone who believes what I am alleged to have said must be a moron – repeat, a moron.”
“It is demeaning, sickening and boring to have to deal with these cowards who cannot fight their own battles but must fasten their imbecilic pronouncements on others.”
“Only the mentally retarded will credit this comment attributed to me regarding the Ndigbo voting pattern in the last elections. I strongly suspect the author of this despicable concoction, and may make a further statement, once the source is verified.”
Online news platform, The Cable quoted Soyinka as saying that ‘Igbos vote with their stomachs,’ and also “suffer from incurable money-mindedness, as they would stop at nothing in their quest for personal financial gain” while delivering a lecture at the Harvard University Hutchins Centre for African & African American Research, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Norway apologizes for selling battleships to Tompolo

Former Niger Delta militant, Government Ekpemupolo, aka Tompolo (pictured)

Norway’s Defence Chief, Haakon Bruun-Hansen has apologized to the country’s legislators over the sale of six battleships to former Niger Delta militant, Government Ekpemupolo aka Tompolo.
Details of the transaction were revealed in December 2014 by a Norwegian newspaper,Daglabet.
Admiral Bruun-Hansen, speaking during a parliamentary disciplinary committee enquiry into the sale of the battleships on Thursday, April 30, 2015, admitted that military officials did not do proper due diligence before selling the ships.
“Does this mean that anybody can buy these boats, as long as they sign a declaration? Even terrorists? How on earth could this happen?” an angry Member of Parliament, Erik Skutle asked during the enquiry.
“The fact that the vessels have landed in Nigeria under Nigerian flag reflects a breakdown in our systems, and I apologize for that,” the defence chief said.
After news of the sale broke, the Norwegian government defended the transaction, saying that the export “followed correct procedure and terms of export to Great Britain. The re-export from Great Britain to Nigeria is a question to be handled solely by British export control authorities.”
The Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency(NIMASA) also defended the purchase at the time saying that Mr. Ekpemupolo’s company, Global West Vessel Service, handles maritime security issues for the agency.
The transaction was however eventually investigated in Norway leading to the arrest of three Norwegian civil servants, who are now being charged for corruption.

Oby Ezekwesili defends Obasanjo against allegations of corruption

Dr. Oby EzekwesiliFormer Minister of Education, Oby Ezekwesili has said that the regime of ex-President, Olusegun Obasanjo was not as corrupt as that of late dictator, Sani Abacha.
Mrs Ezekwesili, who served during Obasanjo’s regime, made the statement during an interview on Al Jazeera on Friday, May 1, 2015.
She also said that there was no evidence of corruption in the former President’s regime despite reports to the contrary.
“There was no way it could have been more corrupt that the government of Abacha. I am sorry,” she said speaking of Obasanjo’s regime.
When asked about a Wikileaks report which quoted former Chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission(EFCC), Nuhu Ribadu as saying that everyone was a thief in Obasanjo’s government, Mrs Ezekwesili said:
“The next person you should invite to your show should be Nuhu Ribadu. Its not about rejecting his views. I don't have counter-factory evidence on the basis to reject it”
When asked about her opinion on how corrupt Obasanjo was, she said:
“Is that supposed to be a question on the basis of some factual thing that you are putting before me? My sense of President Obasanjo was that he gave me the freedom to define the work that I did that public procurement was more transparent than it used to be.”
Mrs Ezekwesili is a co-founder of Transparency International and was recently named among TIME’s 100 most influential people in the world due to her campaign for the rescue of the over 200 Chibok girls who were abducted by Boko Haram in April 2014.