The founder and Spiritual Leader Shafaudeen in lslam worldwide and author of Empowerment issues-The Youths and the Vulnerable
Engr.Prof.Sabit Ariyo Olagoke JP. challenge members of the society,government at all levels and all stakeholders charge with the responsibility of caring for the youths and saddle with the challenges of maintaining and the work or efforts to re-mediate the youths situation worldwide in order to be able to develop a through bread
youths that will be sociologically certify okay and psychologically to threat.
He made the comments in a chat with the transview magazine during his book presentation at lbadan.
According to the distinguish Professor.Children are the fruits of marriage and seed implanted in every home to be harvest in the nearest future for nation building and government formation.
"They are the potential leaders and symbol of legacy for continuity essence of life with expected developmental trend for the nation through their dynamics.'
This is why they deserve special attention,privileges and rights from both the government and other stakeholders such as pediatricians and counselling psephologists he laments The book which delves into the youths and the vulnerable,the integrated value system,empowerment through education,the risk factor,women and the vulnerable group, empowering the vulnerable, reformation and rehabilitation observed that both the
youths,women, vulnerable or risk group must be empowered in terms of education, development and rights to all tools,means of social,physical, economic and spiritual attainment.
On the unemployment of graduates issue, the author described the problems in the educational sector as inadequate planning and faulty implementation; adding,"graduates turnout need to be taken with all
seriousness in our education servicedelivery."That is the essence of statistical data and documentation',"we need to be more proactive in all our planning for right projection into the future', he stated further.
The erudite lslamic scholar however call on all stakeholders to do the right things.
Corporate organizations,Religious groups and Nigeria elites must always channel their charity to the needies and the poor without discrimination.They should also involve in community development and
empowerment of the needies. Nigeria elites must be cultured into having passions and concern for
the needies.
Government must be rightly guided against corruption and people oriented programmes and projects execution must be given priorities and as well eradicate poverty in the society.
Africans must change their attitudes towards value laden neighborliness essence while media houses must adequately promotes value for people re-orientation,awareness and education for total homogenous rebranding