
Monday 22 August 2022


 Special Report by Bisi Bakare 

The  Federal Road Safety Corps Since Inception On February 18,1988, Has Been Blessed with seven crops marshals and chief executives of the establishment comprising three political head and four career officers

 Dr. Olu Agunloye started as director of organization and chief executive in February 18 and finally settled with the present title crops marshal and Chief Executive (COMACE). He served until December 22,1934, 

Major General Anthony Haldu Hananiya was on seat from 1994 to 1998 and again 2003 to 2007. Alhaji Danyaro Yakassai was in between and was made acting Crops Marshal from 1998 to 1999. 

Abba Kyari Wakilbe an Engineer served from 1999 to 2003 as Deputy Crops Marshal during the FRSC/ Police Merger.  Mr Ostia Chidoka then came in from 2003 to 2004; Dr.Boboye Oyeyemi from 2014 to 2022 he handed the mantle to the incumbent Mallam Dauda Biu.

  But a cursory look or review of the administration of each successive head based on newspaper publication is the focus of this write-up and the essence as the need and newspaper publications is the focus of this write-up and the essence as the need and necessity to amend the section of the military-enacted law which established the organization in 1988.

  Successive administration have tried their best to simplify the process of operation of the crops to ensure fairness and equity in decision making only to suit their whims and comprises based on their personal conviction whether each chief executive has worked hard enough or not is better left for history but the real issue is the need to revisit and review decree 45 of 1988 as gazetted on page 819.                                      Section 7 (1) director of the crop states “there shall be a person possessing sound knowledge of ability in the organization  and administration of road traffic and road safety matters, this needs to be reviewed to allow only career officers from within the crop to head it, that should be the most senior officer to ensure fairness continuity and standardization. 

I take cognizance of the corps as an insider, it is not advisable to just bring into the system a politically biased appointee whose aim first is self-interest. Let us examine the tenure of the politically imposed chief executives. 

Agunloye whose action and inaction later consumed him was said to have brought “cultism” into the crops and did not take cognizance of the Nigeria’s National character. 

Almost 80 percent of his work force were from the south. Major Gen. Hlaldu Anthony Hananiya 1996 also enlisted 3000 commanders and marshals and in 1997 recruited 400 commanders and 1600 marshals based on the same yard stick of Olu Agunloye,

 Majority from the Northen part of Nigeria with a view to balance the previous anomalies. Dr. Olu Agunloye was a long time friend of the founding chairman of the corps and capon of the pyrate confraternity which was founded by Prof. Wole Soyinka and others at the University of Ibadan. He was also a honorary Marshal of the Oyo state Road Safety Corps. 

Major General Anthony Haldu Hananiya was a retired army senior officer whose influence commander the respect from his co-military colleagues who were at he corridor of power at the federal level.

Dr Olu Agunloye was accused of insubordination for allegedly aiding the escape of Professor Wole Soyinka from Nigeria during Abacha regime while Hananiya was also removed early in 1999 because he was obliged to implement the directives to effect the decision of the then government that the FRSC been merged with the police. Instead, he was said to have wavered and deliberately obstructed the due implementation of the directive until a court order was produced, aimed at frustrating the government directives. It was seen as in subordination. 

Mr Osita Benjamen Chidoka according to publication on 56th kuti hall anniversary award, university of Ibadan (UI) of 17th july 2010 was said to have, during his leadership of the FRSC, led to the transformation of the corps to functional lead agency in road traffic management and administration in the country by technology. 

This led to visible impact of a 15 percent reduction in facilities from 2007 to 2009. FRSC also won the 2008 prince Michael international road safety award in December 2008 which attracted world bank assistance on safe corridor project and funding . 

All these achievement did not exonerate him from political nepotism and tribalism. At least he donated and sited the FRSC academy to his state and like his political predecessors Ibo language became the lingual franca in the FRSC, he was also alleged to have treated his country people with kids –gloves. All of them were able to get their image enlarged beyond proportion and capacity above reality, just like any Nigerian politician will do.

On the other hand, according to the Daily Sketch of  Thursday, 27th of January 2000, in a merger plans between the FRSC and police which subsequently led to the removal of general Hananiya.

Mallam Yakassai was an insider in the FRSC, a pioneer staff and one who had dutifully served two previous Chief Executives with distinction. AT the time of his appointment Yakassai was the most senior and longest serving officer in the organization? Under Dr. Olu Agunloye, he was Head of Administrator and Secretary to the governing Council. 

He was said to have imitated a revolution in the FRSC at repositioning it for the next millennium by making staff welfare a key priority. He also geared up the FRSC policy of “catch them young” by improving and encouraging the setting up of road safety clubs in schools at the levels.

The relationship which existed between the Police and the Commission was highly improved upon, which resulted in the merger being administratively and maturely handled so that each establishment realized the complementary roles of their assignments by the work forces.

 He was able to get the co-operation of the Police Boss, Muslim Smith, to the advantage of the crops in all direction and operated an open administration to stamp out nepotism and sectionalism which was noticeable since the inception of the Corps.

Engineer Abba Kyari Wakilbe was the Chief Executive from 1999 to 2003. He also chaired the office duting the FRSC/Police merger and was able to maintain the good and cordial relationship between the Police and the FRSC in line with the directive of the federal Might and records of the past administration. 

His approach to issues was subtle, cool and gentle. He ensured equality and fairness during his administration. 

NIGERIAN TRIBUNE of Tuesday 20th of February, 2018 in an article “FRSC DAUNTING TASK IN AFRICA” listed some of the achievements of Dr. Boboye Oyeyemi to include; that the FRSC recorded a commendable 62.4 percent reduction in crash from 40,881 in 1976 to 25,792.

The uniform licensing scheme achieved a “One driver one records” which enabled the FRSC to match records of drivers with their license; vehicle number plate, traffic offences and other all in single view, and the introduction of the toll free 122 emergency number to mention a few.

On July 25th 2022, Dr. Boboye Oyeyemi bowed out of the FRSC and handed the baton of power to Mallam Dauda Biu, a seasoned Chartered Accountant, whose career started at the FRSC Zone RS3 rented HQS, 17 Rabah Road, Malali GRA Office at kaduna, which was the take-off Command of the FRSC in the Northern axis of Nigeria, comprising bauchi, Benue, Gongola, Kaduna, Kano, Katisna, Plateau and Sokoto States.

 The Zone officially known as RS3 had Hajia Bilikisu Yusuf of the New Nigerian Newspapers as the Supervising Council Member, Major Sam Aleno Wyse (rtd) as the Zonal Commander, Mr Bisi Bakare Senior Route. Commander, Head of Operations, Mallam Dauda Biu as Accountant with 60 marshals Comprising of NYSC and old hands of the OYSC members as take-off staff on September 20 1988. 

Later major Sylvester Idakwo (rtd) took over from Major Aleno Wyse.The directive of the federal Government that the outgoing Corps Marshal should hand over power to the most senior serving officer in the hierarchy of the corps was a welcome development but more needs to be done. 

This is because the Military Constitution forced on the Country also contained the clause enabling the President and Commander-In-Chief of Armed Forces to put a political appointee as the Director and Executive of the Corps as against the ethics and what operates in other Paramilitary Forces. 

This abuse was inserted into the Decree 45 which established the Corps by the Babangida Administration to give soft-landing to the first Chief Executive of the Corps. Situation report in 1988 showed that the office was used to victimize and marginalize imagined and real enemies by the political appointee WHO WAS THE Chief Executive at that time with ignominy contrary to lay down rules and regulations. After 35 years of existence the FRSC has come of age with experience and mature officers who can man and run the administration of the crops effectively and lead it to the Promised Land so that the Corps can compete favourably with any of such establishment in the world.

Therefore, the review of this section of the FRSC law is long overdue and should be implemented without delay so that the position of the Corps marshal And Chief Executive should be an internal arrangement based on seniority. 

This action, if implemented would salvage the FRSC from sliding into political uncertainty and gross misconception. It will create a solid standing backbone for career officers who have been insiders from the grassroots and who have made it to the top through sweat and toil rather than a political appointee that sees his appointment as a gift from the political party for a job well-done.

 To this end the new Corps Marshal Mallam Dauda Biu should be confirmed in no distance time so that he could settle down to business and move the Corps forward. It can then be said of him that “Dauda Biu was here, he did his best and put his feet in the sand of time”.