
Wednesday 13 March 2019

Eye exam could soon detect Alzheimer's, new study suggests

Undergoing a yearly eye test could have more benefits than just updating your eyeglasses prescription, a new studyhas found.
In a study of more than 200 people, researchers with the Duke Eye Center found differences in the blood vessel densities in the retinas of participants with Alzheimer's and those without the disease.
“In people with healthy brains, microscopic blood vessels form a dense web at the back of the eye inside the retina, as seen in 133 participants in a control group,” researchers explained in a news release regarding the findings, which were published in the journal Ophthalmology Retina on Monday. But for the 39 participants with Alzheimer's, comparatively, “that web was less dense and even sparse in places,” they explained.
"It's possible that these changes in blood vessel density in the retina could mirror what's going on in the tiny blood vessels in the brain, perhaps before we are able to detect any changes in cognition."— Sharon Fekrat, study's lead author
"We're measuring blood vessels that can't be seen during a regular eye exam and we're doing that with relatively new noninvasive technology that takes high-resolution images of very small blood vessels within the retina in just a few minutes," Duke ophthalmologist and retinal surgeon Sharon Fekrat, the study’s lead author, said in a statement.
"It's possible that these changes in blood vessel density in the retina could mirror what's going on in the tiny blood vessels in the brain, perhaps before we are able to detect any changes in cognition,” she added.
Currently, medical professionals can diagnose the memory-destroying disease through brain-imaging tests (such an MRI or CT scan), neurological exams and other methods. But the findings by Duke researchers could mean there may soon be an easier — and more cost-effective — way to detect and diagnose Alzheimer's.
"Ultimately, the goal would be to use this technology to detect Alzheimer's early, before symptoms of memory loss are evident, and be able to monitor these changes over time in participants of clinical trials studying new Alzheimer's treatments," Fekrat said.
In the U.S. alone, 5.8 million people are living with Alzheimer's dementia, according to 2019 data from the Alzheimer's Association. The currently cureless disease is the sixth-leading cause of death in America.

116-year-old recognised oldest living person in the world by Guinness World Records

A Japanese woman identified as Kane Tanaka has been recognised as the oldest person living in the world. The woman was officially confirmed by the organisation at the nursing home where she resides in Fukuoka, Japan.
The 116-year-old woman was confirmed as the oldest person alive on Wednesday, January 30. Tanaka had been presented with the certificates for the record and oldest woman living.
According to Guinness World Record, Kane was born prematurely on January 2, 1903. The woman had gotten married to Hideo Tanaka four days after her 19th birthday.
116-year-old Japanese woman
116-year-old Japanese woman honored as the world's oldest living person by Guinness World Records Source:
Her husband was a business man who ran a family business called Tanaka Mochiya. The business sold sticky rice and Udon noodles. Kane became involved in the family business after her husband was called for military service in 1937.
116-year-old Japanese woman
The Japanese woman with her brothers and sisters Source:
The woman's first son had also joined the military in 1943, and was held captive by the Soviet Union after the second world war, and returned to Japan in 1947.
Kane who now lives at a nursing home wakes up at 6 in the morning. She studies in the afternoon and plays board games.
116-year-old Japanese woman
Family photo with all her relatives Source:
Meanwhile another woman who might be the oldest woman in the world. The Bolivian woman Julia Flores Colque is nearly 118 and her national identity card states that she was born on October 26, 1900.