
Wednesday 13 May 2015

Jonathan. Pa OBJ. Amechi parleys

Goodluck-jonathanIt is no longer news that there has been no love lost between President Goodluck Jonathan, former president Olusegun Obasanjo and the Rivers State Governor, Chibuike Amaechi.
However, the last Council of State meeting hosted by President Jonathan yesterday, offered an opportunity for the three men to reconcile even if it was for the camera.
Before the commencement of the Council meeting, the governors across party divide were seen joking, back slapping one another and discussing in groups.
President Jonathan was also seen laughing, shaking and holding hands with Obasanjo.But the one that caught everyone’s attention was when the President, while waiting for the valedictory photo-session at the fore court of the Presidential Villa, had a handshake with the governors around him, and on sighting Amaechi, playfully hit him severally, with his fist on the shoulder and the Rivers State governor bowed, laughing and holding the President’s hand all the while, saying “Your Excellency.”
Obasanjo has been a constant critic of Jonathan’s administration, the latest being in February, when the elections were postponed.
The former president, had at his Hilltop Mansion residence in Abeokuta, likened the politics played by Jonathan to “the do-or-die” politics played by the former President of Cote d’Ivoire, Laurent Gbagbo.
Also, Obasanjo, while reacting to the postponement of the general elections, said it was a grand plan by Jonathan to perpetuate himself in office till the situation became clear that the presidential election would favour him.
President Jonathan had in a swift reaction, fired back, saying the allegations were baseless and absurd.
Obasanjo had also in an 18-page letter a year ago, accused the President of deceit, deception, dishonesty, incompetence, having a killer squad and clannishness among others.
The Rivers State governor on his part, had always pointed fingers at the president and his wife, Patience on any crisis in his state.
Moved by the camaraderie seen inside and outside the Council chambers, a journalist later asked Governor Babangida Aliyu of Niger State how that could be translated to the common man on the street, and he replied: “I told you that one of the former heads of state moved for all these to be recorded, so that we make it as part of the tradition. Politics is not war.
Yes, there is a price, but the moment there is a decision and someone gets the price, everyone should come back and wait for another chance.
“So, the camaraderie that you noticed, is how it should be and we should send it down to our communities, to our people; so that even in one house, you can afford to vote for different parties but the moment results are announced, you will remain brothers and not enemies.”

President appoints new Supreme Court Justice

President Goodluck JonathanPresident Goodluck Jonathan has approved the appointment of Justice Amiru Sanusi as a Justice of the Supreme Court.
This was disclosed on Tuesday, May 12, 2015, by the Acting Director of Information of the National Judicial Council, Soji Oye.
The statement announcing Sanusi’s appointment reads:
“President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, GCFR, has approved the appointment of Hon. Justice Amiru Sanusi, OFR as a Justice of the Supreme Court of Nigeria on the recommendation of the National Judicial Council.”
“Hon. Justice Aminu Sanusi, OFR will be sworn-in by the Honourable, the Chief Justice of Nigeria and Chairman of the National Judicial Council, Hon. Justice Mahmud Mohammed, GCON, on Thursday, the 14th day of May, 2015 at 11 am in the Supreme Court Complex.”
Sanusi’s appointment brings the number of Supreme Court Justices to 18.

Lady says she has been engaging in sexual relations with her dead spouse for 4years

Spiritual husband disturbs this womanA 30-year-old woman from Bulawyo, Zimbabwe, identified as Marie, is in a big dilemma after her husband who died four years earlier has refused to let her have a normal life as he keeps coming back to have sex with her.
The widow who said her husband died when she was 26, believes she is under a kind of spell and wants help from some Sangomas (witch doctors), to free her from the grip of her late husband.
Hear her:
"I have gone through enough of this spiritual warfare. I'm a 30-year-old widow and my husband died 4 years ago when I was 26 years old. We had just gotten married when he died in a horrific car accident and died on the spot.
That was five months after we had been married. I got so emotional pain that I would mysteriously see him every night. He would be crying whilst looking at me and I thought I was dreaming.
Three months later, I felt like someone was waking me up at night and I was shocked to see him in my bedroom, sitting by side of the bed. I wanted to scream but he held my mouth and said he had come to help me since he had seen that I was suffering a lot.
I asked him how that was possible when he was dead and he said although we had buried him, his spirit had not departed. He said he still wanted to be with me for some time. He said he would look after me but he warned me against telling people about this development.
He said I should not tell even his own mother and I agreed not to. Since then, we have been living together as husband and wife with the ghost of my dead husband. He would buy groceries, pay rentals and all.
Then there is a church I visited early this year and the pastor preached about not interacting with the dead. So now I want to stop living with this dead man but I don't know how to go about it.
I really loved my husband and even up to now, I still love him dearly. He has never changed. He still is exactly like he was before he died. But what I have noticed is that he is not growing older. He still is exactly as he was when he died four years ago.
I don't even have feelings for any other man. I feel like I'm a married woman. Our sex life has never changed. It's still as it was before my husband died. But now I'm scared that I'm living with a corpse in the house. Maybe it's because I'm now going to church. I have also not stayed with anyone in my house since my husband died. I always live alone.
At church, our pastor was once attacked with the demon of another man and the man of God collapsed, then became conscious later on. It's evident that if I ask him to pray for my husband's spirit to go away, that would be way beyond his powers.
I'm also afraid of telling my husband that I don't want to live him with anymore. How do I tell him when he loves me so much? When visitors come to my house during the day, my husband mysteriously disappears and only returns when they are gone.
I have never told anyone about this strange encounter, this is my first time to open up about it. One day he told me that his spirit would depart when I breathe my last. So to him, as long as I'm alive he wants to be with me.
Is there any pastor or Sangoma who can solve this spiritual problem? I have been to well known local prophets, but they all failed to detect my dead husband's spirit.
I wanted to come across a prophet who would first detect that I'm living with a dead man before I could narrate my ordeal to him. I am now born again and I now want to live a normal life. Please help me win this spiritual warfare."

At Least Five Dead In Philadelphia Train Crash

Former congressman Patrick J. Murphy was on the train.
At least five people have been killed after a train derailed near Philadelphia, leaving 10 carriages overturned.
Some passengers climbed out of windows to get away from the Amtrak train, which was reported to have been travelling at around 60mph when it left the tracks.
More than 140 people have been taken to hospital, six of them with critical injuries.
Philadelphia mayor Michael Nutter described the scene as "an absolute disastrous mess" and said not all of the more than 240 people on board have been accounted for.
He said: "I've never seen anything like this in my life.
"It is a devastating scene down there."We walked the entire length of the train area, and the engine completely separated from the rest of the train, and one of the cars is perpendicular to the rest of the cars.
"It's unbelievable."
The train, which was travelling from Washington DC to New York, was carrying 238 passengers and five crew members.
It was going into a turn when it started to shake before coming to a sudden stop.
Passenger Paul Cheung said "the train started to decelerate, like someone had slammed the brake".
"Then suddenly you could see everything starting to shake," he said."You could see people's stuff flying over me.
"The front of the train is really mangled. It's a complete wreck.
"The whole thing is like a pile of metal."
Daniel Wetrin, who walked off the train, said it was like something out of a film.
He said: "There were people standing around, people with bloody faces.
"There were people, chairs, tables mangled about in the compartment ... power cables all buckled down as you stepped off the train."Roads around the crash site have been blocked off, and people have been told not to go to the scene.
Several of those injured, including one man complaining of neck pain, were taken away on stretchers.
The cause of the crash is being investigated.
Amtrak workers are examining the wreckage and a team from the federal National Transportation Safety Board will arrive at the site later on Wednesday.
