
Thursday 11 February 2021

Alh. Lateef Jakande respectable politician of the old stock died at 91 - Flashback: Full text of his inaugural address as governor in 1979


A former Lagos state governor, Alhaji Lateef Jakande is dead.

This was announced on Twitter by the Lagos state governor, Babajide Sanwo-Olu.

He wrote:

“With gratitude to God for a worthy life well spent in the service of Lagos State, Nigeria, and humanity, I announce the death of a venerable statesman, outstanding politician, public administrator, and the first civilian governor of Lagos state, Alhaji Lateef Kayode Jakande.”
BREAKING: Former Lagos state governor Lateef Jakande is dead

Governor Sanwo-Olu announced the information via Twitter. Photo credit: @jidesanwoolu

Alhaji Jakande was a former journalist who became governor of Lagos state in Nigeria from 1979 to 1983, and later was minister of works under the Late Sani Abacha military regime.

His government constructed over 30,000 housing units including low-cost estates in Amuwo-Odofin, Ijaiye, Dolphin, Oke-Afa, Ije, Abesan, Iponri, Ipaja, Abule Nla, Epe, Anikantamo, Surulere, Iba, Ikorodu, Badagry.He is noted for introducing housing and educational programmes targeted at the poor, building new neighbourhood primary and secondary schools and providing free primary and secondary education.

To fund some of the projects, Jakande increased the tenement rates and price of plots of land in affluent areas of Victoria Island and Lekki Peninsula and the processing fees for lottery, pools and gaming licenses.

He also completed the construction of the General Hospital in Gbagada and Ikorodu and built about 20 health centres within the state.

As a governor, he established 23 local government councils which were later disbanded by the military. He also started a metro line project to facilitate mass transit.

Jakande governed Lagos state, Nigeria's economic nerve centre, between 1979 and 1983.

Lateef Jakande’s inaugural address as Lagos state governor in 1979

Lateef Jakande, first civilian Lagos state governor, dies at 91. Photo credit: @SirLeoBDasilva

As Lagosians and other Nigerians mourn the passing of the widely respected politician, Let's look at  the reproduced inaugural address he delivered as the first executive governor of Lagos state in 1979 as published by TVC News.

Inaugural address of Governor Jakande to the people of Lagos state, 1st October 1979

FELLOW Citizens of Lagos state,

On Saturday, 28th, July 1979, you elected me, by 559,070 votes to 126,805, the first Executive Governor of Lagos State. Today, as a result of that election, the Chief Judge of this State, in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of Nigeria, has invested me with the office. This is an inestimable honour of which I am very conscious. It is a call to service that I take very seriously in all humility. And I want to assure you that I shall spare no effort to justify the confidence which you, the good people of Lagos State, have demonstrably reposed in me.

The creation of Lagos state, like all great events, is not the achievement of one single person. The territory now known as Lagos state is the former Colony Province created by the British Administration for their own administrative convenience.God moves in a mysterious way, says William Cowper, His wonders to perform. His purposes will ripen fast, unfolding every hour.

Following the cession of his sovereignty to the British Crown by King Dosunmu in 1861, Eko was administered independently by a Governor of the Settlement of Lagos. Under the Commission of 19th February-1866, the Settlement of Lagos was governed by an Administrator and a Legislative Council responsible to the Governor of the West African Settlements residing in Sierra Leone. This continued until 1874. By Letters Patent dated 24th July, 1874 the territory was administered by a Lieutenant Governor subject to the Governor of the Gold Coast Colony.

Nine years later, by Letters Patent of 22nd January 1883, Lagos was administered by a Deputy Governor responsible to the Governor of the Gold coast Colony.

Lateef Jakande’s inaugural address as Lagos state governor in 1979Lateef Jakande, first civilian governor of Lagos, with the current governor, Babajide Sanwo-Olu. Photo credit: @jidesanwoolu

 in 1886, Lagos was again set up as a separate colony in response to a petition by the people of Lagos who resented being governed from the Gold Coast. It was administered by a Governor of the Colony of Lagos under Letters Patent dated 13th January, 1886. This was the first time that the territory now known as Lagos State came under one administration. The administration continued under various constitution until 1954, when Lagos was separated from the rest of the Colony and constituted Federal Territory, that is to say a No-Man’s Land.

Lateef Jakande, first civilian governor of Lagos, with the current governor, Babajide Sanwo-Olu. Photo credit: @jidesanwoolu

Thus, it is evident that, for 89 years from 1862 to 1951, Lagos (with or without the rest of the Colony) enjoyed a separate and distinct existence as a unit of administration with its own Governor, Deputy Governor, Lieutenant-governor, Administrator or Commissioner as the case may be. For 68 years from 1886 to 1954, the Colony of Lagos (i.e. the present Lagos State) was administered together as a unit, an inseparable whole. From 1914 to 1923 the Colony of Lagos had its own Legislative Council while the rest of Nigeria had another Council.

In 1964, while I was serving a seven-year sentence for treasonable felony and conspiracy in the Maximum Security Prison at Kirikiri, Apapa, I came to the conclusion that the time had come to put forward a reasoned case for the creation of a Lagos state. With the assistance of my friends outside the prison walls, and deliberately breaking prison regulations, this conclusion resulted in a booklet published in 1966 with the meaningful title of “The case for a Lagos State”.Thus the foundation for a Lagos state had been well and truly laid by history. But, in the circumstances of our dear country, it still had to be fought for. And two of the earliest fighters for a Lagos State must be remembered with gratitude on this occasion. They are Chief Theophilus Adebayo Doherty and Prince Ibikunle Akintoye. They dreamt of a Lagos and Colony State. It was left to a later generation to make their dream a reality.

“It seems now to be generally agreed that if Nigeria is to survive as one organic whole one of the conditions precedent to such survival is the creation of new states. I have endeavoured to argue the case for a Lagos State in the following pages as objectively as possible and without emotion. One is bound to recognise that this case rests almost entirely on historical circumstances and moral principles. But this does not detract from its validity. A series of historical circumstances have culminated in neglect and injustice such as can only be effectively removed, in a Nigerian Federation, by the creation of a Lagos state”.In the preface to the book I said inter alia:

In August 1966, the then Administrator of Lagos, Major Mobolaji Johnson, summoned a Conference of Young Indigenous Lagosians to deliberate on the place of Lagos in a future constitutional arrangement.

This book formed the basis of a memorandum submitted to the conference. The conference, among other things, decided that a Lagos State comprising the Federal Territory and the Colony Province of Western Nigeria should be created in a Nigerian Federation.

I would like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to Brigadier Mobolaji Johnson for his invaluable contribution to the creation of this State.On September 12, 1966, the then Head of the Federal Military Government and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, Yakubu Gowon, established an Adhoc conference on Nigeria’s future. The Lagos Delegation was led by Doctor Taslim Elias until he became Attorney General of the Federation when the mantle of leadership of the delegation fell on me. But it was under Doctor Elias’s leadership that the Lagos delegation submitted to the Adhoc Conference a memorandum for the creation of Lagos State. That memorandum was substantially a reproduction of “The Case for A Lagos State”. And it was that memorandum, no doubt, which enabled the Federal Military Government to reach the decision to create a Lagos State in 1967.

Throughout the period of the 1966 Adhoc conference he was unwavering in his conviction and unsparing in his endeavours for the creation of a Lagos State. It was his lot to become the first Military Governor of the State. And he made a good job of it, all things considered. May I also thank the last of the Military Administrators, Captain Ebitu Ukiwe, for the voluminous handing-over notes he has given me and in particular for his physical presence this afternoon. It is a kind gesture which I greatly appreciate.

“I am conscious of the problems and the opportunities that abound in Lagos state. I know that the citizens of Lagos State are the most sophisticated in the country. I know that every tribe and every ethnic group, in Nigeria are represented in Lagos state. I know that for most Nigerians Lagos is the El Dorado, with matchless opportunities for prosperity.It is now our historic duty to take off from where the military left. In doing so; I have no illusion whatsoever. When on Saturday November 4, 1978, I was nominated by my party, the Unity Party of Nigeria, to contest the gubernatorial election for this state, I said inter alia in my acceptance speech:

"I know that the indigenes of Lagos state have a natural right to the services provided by their state. I know that the non-indigenes of Lagos state have an indisputable right to the services provided by their State of residence.
"I am sure that it will surprise many Nigerians in other states to be told that Lagos State is as much in need of development as any other state."I know that Lagos state is said to be the most developed part of the Federation. But I also know that below the majestic flyovers, the mystifying ring roads, and the spiralling skyscrapers there is abject poverty in this state. And I know that there are in Lagos State some of the worst living conditions that can be found in any part of the Federation.
"Perhaps our need is greater. Because of the pressure of population, which is the highest in the country, the demand for services is extremely severe. Besides, Lagos State is Nigeria’s shop window.
"These problems are enormous. But the consolation is that the opportunities for solving them are there. And they are exciting and challenging”.

I can only underline that statement on this occasion of assuming office as Governor of Lagos state.

That Government was the country’s pace-setter — the first to do all good things that others later copied. There has never been a government like it in Africa before or since. And we know that in giving us their massive vote, the good people of Lagos State were influenced by their memories of the good old days of the Awolowo Government. We shall live up to their high expectations, especially as Chief Awolowo is still very much around and will continue to be our source of inspiration for many years to come.We shall model our government after the Government of the Western Region of Nigeria, from 1952 to 1959, headed by Chief Obafemi Awolowo. That Government was the most efficient, the most dynamic, and the most responsive of all the governments of the Federation.

In this connection, I am glad to affirm that free education at all levels, of which he is the greatest advocate in Nigeria, will become operative in Lagos State with immediate effect from today. On September 15, 1979, I issued an appeal to all school headmasters and all principals in this State not to demand or accept fees from school children in primary and secondary schools. I am grateful to all those who heeded this appeal, although it had no force of law. Now that I have been sworn in as Governor of Lagos State, I direct that education shall be free at all levels in this State. For the avoidance of doubt, no fees should be collected from any pupil or student for anything whatsoever.

The Unity Party of Nigeria is irrevocably committed to change things and to bring about a new order. We have come to serve the common people of this State. We have clear-cut programmes for which we have received your mandate. I want to assure you that we shall do everything that is humanly possible, under God’s unfailing guidance and protection, to execute these programmes and honour the solemn pledges we made to the electorate.Where fees have been collected immediate steps should be taken to refund them to their payers. In all Boarding Schools Parents/Teachers Association shall take over the management of boarding facilities, and they will be given all possible assistance by the education authorities until boarding is completely phased out. Arrangements have been made to enact the necessary legislation for this purpose.

In implementing these programmes we shall be scrupulously fair and just to every citizen, be he high or low; we shall seek at all times and on all occasions the greatest good of the greatest number. We shall be guided by the timeless principle that the will of the people is the supreme law.

We need the absolute loyalty and cooperation of the public service. We are going to move much faster than perhaps the public service is used to. We are bringing to the Service a new sense of direction. At the same time we shall ensure that every public servant in this state is adequately rewarded for his labour. Merit will be recognised regardless of language, colour or creed.There will be no discrimination against anyone on the ground of political affiliation, religious belief, ethnic or state origin, sex or social status. But we can do all of these things only if all sections of the community cooperate fully with the Government they have elected.

We need the support and cooperation of all ratepayers and all tax-payers in this State. We are prepared to serve. But service can be provided only to the extent that the finances of the State permit. I believe that this state is quite capable of generating the necessary funds to make life better for all citizens. I, therefore, call on all adult citizens to make their own contribution to the common good by paying their rates and taxes as they fall due.

We need the support of the law enforcement agencies. We are aware of their deplorable conditions of operation. And we shall, within the limits of our constitutional powers, help to improve those conditions. For it is only in an atmosphere of peace that progress and development can take place.

We need the co-operation of the judiciary. I am a firm believer in the independence of the judiciary, and I am happy that independence has been enshrined in our constitution. We shall do everything possible, within the limits of our constitutional powers, to remove any obstacle in the way of speedy and efficient administration of justice in this State.

We need the vigilance and patience of all citizens. The problems which we have inherited from the military — extremely bad roads, poor drainage, inadequate water supply, deplorable housing, neglected agriculture and the lack of markets for example will not disappear in one day. But they certainly will disappear during our tenure of office by the grace of God. We shall start solving these problems from today and from now to the end of our term we shall do nothing else.

I ask you to pray constantly for us. More things are wrought by prayers than this world dreams of. We are embarking on a war against poverty, against community neglect, against reaction, against disease in Lagos State. And, by the grace of God Who loves us, we shall win.

Nigerian man breaks 102-year-old record in UK, Receives Queen of England Honour

The year 2021 is seeing Nigerians record outstanding achievements and also getting recognised for those feats. The latest Nigerian to be in this mix is Joel Ele-Ojo Adams.

Joel, on Thursday, February 11, will receive from the Queen of England one of the highly respected and prestigious honours in United Kingdom for his amazing contributions and research work that have come in handy for the UK military.

Nigerian man breaks 102-year-old record in UK, Receives Queen of England Honour

Joel Ele-Ojo fully dressed in British Air Force suit as he received the Queen of England honour today Photo Credit: Joel Ele-Ojo

The young man, according to Niger Delta Connect, graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from the Niger Delta University, Bayelsa state.

He is the first non-British to be commissioned as an Aero-Systems Specialist Engineer to the rank of a Flying Officer in the British Air Force, since the formation of the British Air Force in 1918.

Posting about the good news on his Facebook wall on Friday, February 5, the first class graduate wrote:

"My Sword of honor arrived this evening, in prep for next week!
"Hello friends,
"By this time next week, I will be receiving of one of the most respected and highly prestigious honours in the land, awarded by Her Majesty, the Queen. This is humbling!
"I was emotional this evening as I reflect on my journey - the humble beginning, the sacrifices, the grace of God, and the accomplishments.
"It is not so much about the accomplishment as it is about where I'm coming from. Boy-o-boy, this barrack pikin has come very far o! Only those of my background will understand.
Following the completion of his Master's degree program in Control Systems at the renowned Imperial College London, he kick-started his career at Ford Motors UK as the BOM Lead Project Analyst for Battery Electric Vehicles."Indeed, I have enjoyed the grace of God (which I always talk about). But also my journey can be, metaphorically, likened to a duck that floats on the waters seemingly effortlessly (...what we see), while she paddles like hell beneath the surface (...what we don't see)."

Joel who holds a PhD program in Industrial Systems and Manufacturing Engineering at the prestigious University of Cambridge is now a British citizen.

Meanwhile, a Nigerian man broke Guinness World record by making 365 songs for 365 days.

The artiste who is also known as Manya achieved the amazing feat with his team on Tuesday, October 31, since it began on Tuesday, November 1, 2016.

Wednesday 10 February 2021

Uyo airport Akwa Ibom begins installation of MRO facility

The Akwa Ibom state commissioner of special duties, Rt. Hon. Okpolupm Etteh has revealed that Governor Udom Emmanuel is committed to timely completion of work at the Maintenance, Repairs, and Overhaul (MRO) facility at the Victor Attah International Airport, Uyo.

The facility is expected to enhance the status of the airport as an internationally recognised gateway.

In a statement sent on Wednesday, February 10, Rt. Hon. Etteh said Governor Emmanuel's administration was fully aware of the strategic advantage it will accord the state and nation in the sub-Saharan aviation sector.

Uyo airport to become aviation hub as Akwa Ibom begins installation of MRO facility

Governor Emmanuel . Photo credit: @MrUdomEmmanuel

His words:

“We want to assure you that His Excellency, the governor has this project as the apple of his eyes and he will do everything humanly possible to see to its final completion.”

He said the MRO has passed through the hands of two previous companies before the present one, saying the Emmanuel administration expects the project to be completed within the contractual duration given by the government.

He charged the contractor to bring to bear their wealth of experience in the project and commended them for the quality of the present state of the project as well as their cooperation with the ministry's supervising team.

Giving details of the MRO project, the project director, Mr. Kobus Marias, said the firm was trying to achieve a world-class facility that will help the government achieve its aim and also get good returns on investment.

He said the hanger was designed to service two B747-400 aircraft or four number B737/A320 to Q400/ATR42/72 aircraft.He said the firm was awarded the contract for the completion of the MRO after having completed the initial contract of erecting the VIP hanger at the airport and assured that the MRO completion phase, which started October 2020 will be completed in (14) fourteen months.

He added that work was currently in progress in the dormitory area, offices, and air conditioning equipment while the bulk of the work will be on the hanger floor construction.

He further said the MRO on completion shall have allied support shops such as paint, wheel and brake, landing, sheet metal /machine, battery, Hydraulic welding, cabin repair/overhaul shops, and many more facilities including a training theatre.

Meanwhile, the government has indicated its readiness to collaborate with the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago in the area of aviation for the development of the state.

In a related development, Governor Emmanuel has promised to transform Akwa Ibom state into an aviation hub in the West African sub-region.This was highlighted when Governor Emmanuel had discussions with the High Commissioner for the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago to Nigeria, Mr. Wendell Vincent Carlton De Landro, at Government House, Uyo last year.

He made the vow while announcing the arrival of the lastest Bombardier CRJ900 recently acquired by the state-owned airline - Ibom Air last year.

Trial of Moroccan journalist accused of sexual assault postponed


Human rights activists and supporters of Moroccan journalist Soulaimane Raissouni at the Casablanca Appeals Courts on Tuesday Febraury 10, 2021.  -  
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Human rights activists and supporters took part in a sit-in at the Casablanca Appeals Court to rally behind a journalist, who’s being tried over accusation of sexual assault in Morocco.

The trial of editor-in-chief of the Akhbar Al Yaoun newspaper, Soulaimane Raissouni was postponed to March 2 at a hearing on Tuesday. Raissouni has been in detention since May 22 last year pending resolution to his case.

"Today, this demonstration comes on the occasion of the first hearing of Soulaimane Raissouni after 9 months of investigation which is very long for his family. We thought that during the past 9 months, Soulaimane will be tried in a state of freedom’’, 32-year old Kholoud Mokhtari, wife of the journalist said.

Soulaimane Raissouni's trial follows sexual assault charges filed by an LGBT rights activist. The 48-year old has consistently denied the charges.

Mid-May last year, an LGBT community activist, who is only identified as ‘’A.M’’ by AFP claimed that the journalist ‘’jumped on him’’, ‘’taking advantage of his weakness and moral health to satisfy his sexual desires’’. According to ‘’A.M’’, the alleged assault dated back to the end of 2018, when the journalist’s wife had offered to collaborate on a film about the LGBT community.

On the evening of Soulaimane Raissouni’s arrest, Director of Reporters Without Borders, Christophe Deloire, tweeted: ‘’We express our full solidarity with Moroccan journalist Souleiman Raissouni, editor-in-chief of the Arabic-language newspaper Akhbar el Yaoum, victim of a smear campaign relayed by online media close to the intelligence services’’.

Other civil society organizations were in support of the accused. "The culture of rape has a bright future ahead of it. Solidarity with the accused or how to question the plaintiff's word", said Ibtissam "Betty" Lachgar, co-founder of the Alternative Movement for Individual Liberties.By Rédaction Africanews

Tuesday 9 February 2021

Two killed as convoy of Nigerian governor is involved in fatal accident


A road accident involving a vehicle on the convoy of Governor Babagana Zulum of Borno State has reportedly led to the deaths of two people.

The incident occurred on Tuesday, February 9, when the governor was heading to Maiduguri after a visit from Mafa local government area (LGA).

One of the vehicles was said to have had a road mishap and crashed along Mafa- Maiduguri road.

Two killed as convoy of Nigerian governor is involved in fatal accident

Some other top government officials were said to be on the convoy. Photo: @IamMkyari/Twitter, Engr. Dr. Babagana Umara Zulum/Facebook

According to a police source who confirmed the incident, the vehicle somersaulted after a tyre deflated.

Sources also told the Vanguard newspaper that a traditional ruler was one of the deceased:

“Two occupants including Mai Kanuribe of Lagos, Alhaji Mustapha Muhammadu died at the spot while the driver who sustained serious injuries later died some few hours after.''“The Governor and his entourage on Tuesday went to his hometown, Mafa Local Government Area to participate in the ongoing All Progressives Congress (APC) Registration and Revalidation Exercise, unfortunately, while on their way back after the exercise, one of the vehicles in the convoy, conveying the Mai Kanuribe of Lagos had a road mishap and crashed along Mafa- Maiduguri road.

A former governor Borno governor, Kashim Shettima, was said to be among other top officials who were travelling in the convoy.

In another report, the commissioner of health in Borno state, Salihu Kwaya-Buara, has been relieved of his duties by the state governor, Babagana Zulum.

According to Gusau, the removal was part of measures to reposition the ministry, adding that the chief of staff to the governor, Isa Marte, has been asked to take over the ministry, the commissioner's sack was contained in a statement by the special adviser to the governor on public relations and strategy, Malam Isa Gusau.

Haiti protests continue despite police crackdown


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Dieu Nalio Chery/Copyright 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved


The struggle over Haiti's presidency intensified Monday as opposition politicians named their own leader of the country in an effort to drive out President Jovenel Moise, whose term they say has expired.

The smoldering political crisis flared up Sunday, when officials claimed they had foiled an attempt to murder the president and overthrow the government in a coup.

Moise has been governing without any checks on his power for the past year and says he is president until February 7, 2022 -- an interpretation of the constitution rejected by the opposition, which led to protests asserting his term ended on Sunday. 

Some small demonstrations took place over the weekend, which included clashes with police, but residents of the capital Port-au-Prince largely stayed at home in a nation gripped by political uncertainty and a resurgence of kidnappings for ransom.

In a video statement sent to AFP, judge Joseph Mecene Jean-Louis, 72, said he "accepted the choice of the opposition and civil society, to serve (his) country as interim president for the transition."

But the United States has accepted Moise's claim to power and he appears to have retained leadership of the Caribbean island nation, which has a long history of instability and deep poverty worsened by natural disasters.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is monitoring the situation "with concern," his spokesman said, adding that "it's very important that all stakeholders address their differences through peaceful means."

The spokesman noted that Moise "was sworn in in February 2017 for a five-year term," without commenting directly on whether the UN considered the president to be legitimate.

- Disputed elections -

Former senator Youri Latortue said that the transition period was expected to take time.

"There's a two-year roadmap laid out, with the establishing of a national conference, the setting out of a new constitution and the holding of elections," he said.

The opposition has also attacked the claim Moise was targeted by a coup attempt, saying he was no longer legally the president.

"We are waiting for Jovenel Moise to leave the National Palace (the president's official office) so that we can get on with installing Mr Mecene Jean-Louis," opposition figure Andre Michel told AFP.

The dispute over when the president's term ends stems from Moise's original election: he was voted into office in a poll subsequently canceled after allegations of fraud, and then elected again a year later, in 2016.

After that poll was also disputed, demonstrations demanding his resignation intensified in the summer of 2018.

Voting to elect deputies, senators, mayors and local officials should have been held in 2018, but the elections have been delayed, triggering the vacuum in which Moise says he is entitled to stay for another year.

At present Haiti lacks institutions that could break the stalemate over the presidency. The Constitutional Council, which should have decided on the length of the presidential term, only exists on paper.

Nor can the Senate establish itself as a high court as the law allows, because only a third of senators remain in office due to the lack of elections under the Moise administration.

In the last presidential elections, barely more than 20 percent of voters took part in the ballot that brought Moise to power.By Rédaction Africanews 

Congo urges calm after latest Ebola case

Matanda hospital near Butembo where the Ebola victim was admitted before she passed away  -  
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DR Congo on Sunday announced a "resurgence" of Ebola in its troubled east after a woman died of the disease, just three months after authorities declared the end of the country's latest outbreak.

The World Health Organization (WHO) said it had dispatched a team of epidemiologists to the scene of the latest death to investigate.

The victim was married to an Ebola survivor.North Kivu provincial minister of health Eugene Nzanzu Syalita said they were investigating if the latest case is linked to a previous outbreak.

"It could happen because we know that she is the wife of an Ebola survivor, so it could happen. So, we are here, people should stay calm and measures should be respected", said Syalita.

Butembo and Beni in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo were the epicenters of a previous outbreak that run from August 1, 2018 to June 25, 2020, that killed more than 2,200 people.

Ebola haemorrhagic fever was first identified in 1976 after scientists probed a string of unexplained deaths in what is now northern DRC.

The symptoms are severe: high fever and muscle pain followed by vomiting and diarrhoea, skin eruptions, kidney and liver failure, internal and external bleeding.

The average fatality rate from Ebola is around 50 percent but this can rise to 90 percent for some epidemics, according to the WHO.

The virus that causes the disease is believed to reside in bats.

By Rédaction Africanews

Election et al to dominate Arab League meeting underway in Cairo


A handout picture by the Arab League on February 8, 2021 shows a view of a meeting to discus the Palestinian cause, at the league headquarters in Cairo, Egypt.  -  
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-/AFP or licensors


Key Palestinian factions opened talks in the Egyptian capital, Cairo on Monday.

Discussions between Fatah and Hamas, are aimed at paving the way for the first elections in the West Bank and Gaza since 2006. Egyptian state television reports that negotiations are under the auspices of President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi.

"Egypt continues its full efforts to end the Palestinian division, and did not hesitate to offer all kinds of support to Palestine to restore unity. Egypt believes that achieving reconciliation in Palestine will have a positive effect on the ability of the Palestinian people to move on in the negotiations process and achieve its goals", said Egyptian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sameh Shoukry.

Judicial, security arrangements for the vote and the fate of Palestinian voters in the Israeli-annexed east Jerusalem are thorny issues on the agenda.

The May 22 elections will be the first parliamentary elections in 15 years. The Islamist movement Hamas won an unexpected landslide in the last vote, a victory not recognized by president Mahmud Abbas's Fatah. This led to bloody clashes the following year and a split in Palestinian governance.

Fatah has run the Palestinian Authority in the Israeli-occupied West Bank and Hamas has held power in the Gaza Strip since 2007. It was the year Israel imposed a devastating blockade on the Mediterranean enclave.

The divide has left the Palestinian territories under two different political systems and without a functioning parliament.

14 Palestinian political groups are taking part in the sessions sponsored by Egypt.

By Rédaction Africanews