



Engr. Prof. Sabit A. Olagoke, JP@:

2015 Ramadhan Lecture

Organized by
Tose Muslim Community

Sunday, June 28, 2015

1.0         INTRODUCTION
Procreation is the process by which an organism produces others of its biological kind – reproduce or produce offspring.  It is initiated by mating of male and female.  For an organized and civilized society, mating must not be through waywardness or frivolity but rather through cultural or religious norms.  Growth follows the characteristics natural profile of: Gestation from seed to embryo girl/boy child teenage period of puberty and adolescent adulthood.  Each segment of the development has characteristic spiritual, medical and psycho-social demand for growth and nature nurturing, for the grown up or youth personality trait to conform with societal norms and scripture compliance for reliability, integrity and dependability assurances.  Consider a typical growth pattern of human life:

Text Box: Years

For a well ordered society, good family genealogical continuity, community development and nation building the factors of change agents in the socialization process of the child must be monitored to avoid bad influence! This can only be achieved if the child is bred in a Godly minded environment where things are done accordingly and a good home where parents are role model.  The areas of procreation, child custody and child rearing are therefore very crucial to help the child have a strong frame that is capable of resisting any storm of life or negative influence - social media, peer group, government etc.  Let us therefore consider the following on the need to follow right counseling guide.

2.0         MATING
This must follow certain rites based on cultural guide or religious rights.  In Nigeria, we have civil, Islamic and customary form of legal system of marriage.  In Islam we have the following marriage tenets:[1]
*       Love foundation – intending couples consent
*       Parents consent is paramount
*       We must say ‘No’ to forced marriage
*       We must say ‘No’ to child marriage
*       No to fornication before marriage
*       No to adultery after marriage solemnization
*       The courtship must be free of sentiment but rather a period of studying weaknesses and strengths of each of the partners by themselves with observatory support of witnesses.  It is a period of standing to agree to decide before finally informing parents for their support.

During courtship period, experiences of passion and temptation must not be allowed to becloud sense of judgment on mating (sex) issues to retain and maintain virtue.  This is because of all the six combinatorial possibilities, only one leads to virtuous marriage and blessed home formation:

Table 1: Possible Combinatorial Approach to Enter Marriage[2]

Mating Path
Anti-Scriptural (X)
Common but with doubtful good future. Marriage may condone suspicion and infidelity
Remote.  Hardly leads to marriage.  Fragile home of mistrust may be built
Scripture compliance
Best for home formation where couple trust each other with increasing love profile.  May resist peer group or outside interference
Characteristic of child marriage or forced marriage.  It is with associated medical problem (VVF) for child marriage and with love lack for forced marriage.  Must be discouraged
Facebook marriage.  Remote and uncommon
Common.  Marriage is fraught with suspicion and accusation of infidelity

The above analysis is critical to home formation and fundamental to the success of every marriage.  This is an area of challenge to the counselors – counseling clinic, therapy, guide for teens, adolescent and for marriage stability.  Religious people must guide their followers – parents and teenagers, adolescents or youth to follow the holistic path of Love (L) – Marriage (m) – Sex (s) = L-M-S

*       This period of pregnancy development must be preceded by religion rites (prayer)[3]
*       Nurturing must be guided by medical advice and spiritual guide
*       Destiny of the child is decided at this stage[4]
*       Consider the Table 2 below:

Table 2: Gestation and Metamorphosis
Period of Gestation
Formative Process
Womb Development Stage
Divine Intervention
Period of Age

1st Week
Egg formation mixes with male drop of semen
Yaa Robbu nutfatan
O Lord, a drop of semen
·    Mating and seed formation
·    Prayer need by couple
Zero month (days)
Foetus (2.5cm)
2nd week (size 2.5cm)
Clot of blood
Yaa Robbu alaqatun
A clot of blood
·    Formation of placenta and prayer guide by the woman and her husband
40 days

4 weeks
Placenta and cord formation – heart, brain and blood vessels already formed
Yaa Robbu mudgatun
 A little lump of flesh
·    Prayer need for perfect formation
8 weeks
Embryo (8mm)
6 weeks
Heart begins to beat (32)
Others unto full formation
·    Destiny determination
·    Prayer need
3 months to 9 months

8 weeks
Major organs formed – lungs, kidney, liver and the intestines
Others unto full formation
·    Destiny determination
·    Prayer need
3 months to 9 months

12 weeks (3months)
Fully formed – muscles, bones and limbs in place.  Pregnancy begins to show

20 weeks
Heads and body in good proportion. Hair begins to grow. Mother may feel movement for the first time

Child preparing journey for delivery and life survival
28 weeks
(220-240mm long)
Body covered with tiny hair called ‘lanugo’. Viable for life.  Good chance to survive.

Source: Olagoke, S.A. (2013) Girl Child and Womanhood: Issue of Empowerment

4.1         Procreation
*       Attend well the ante-natal for medical fitness
*       Ensure you buy the baby materials (adequate and necessary before the delivery date)
*       The best delivery process and approach is through the medical care and means in a standard hospital with certified medical professionals

4.2         Child Custody
*       Necessary, usually to ensure good care without any form of abuse[5]
*       May be necessitated in case:
·         The mother died during or after child birth
·         The mother is sickly
·         The parent needs experience hand for better expertise
*       Case studies
·         Annatu, the mother Mary and Zachariyah, the husband of Bintu (Elizabeth) [6]
·         Aminat, the mother of the Holy Prophet Mohammed and Alimat of Shadiah according to Saudi Arabia culture and tradition
Child custody must be holistic in love, care, passion, feeding and protection for the child in hazard free environment that is free of abuse.

Two things are crucial to right development of children:
*       Development of native intelligence through parents and immediate environment
·         There is therefore a dire need for child-parent contact over a period per day.  Stories are told to develop child’s intelligence and learning culture[7]
*       Establish the supremacy of God and the best practices in worshipping Him[8]
·         Teach the child to be hard working even when efforts are not acknowledged but always set on achieving quality and standard and seek for God’s favour
·         Ensure the child achieve in the areas of forming the best personality trait, right alignment with God through achieving a state of piety for just worship[9]
·         Nature nurturing on behavioural control and morality to live a life of respect, humility and sincerity[10]
·         These are typical of informal education
*       Education as nutrient for growth[11]
·         Formal education has set of procedures through syllabus guide and curriculum delivery
·         It is a function of age with peculiar environmental standard for the even growth of the child
·         It rejuvenates children growth and development through three main domains:
-  Affective: Behavioural moulding and character formation
-  Cognitive: The knowledge acquired with additional development of wisdom. Promotes scholarship
-  Psychomotor: promotes skill acquisition and application of knowledge.  This is the basis of professionalism
The figure below is a developmental profile through education

                    Any lack is a deficiency that may lead to inferiority complex in future.

*       Food For Thought
·      Safety of the environment and security of our child must matter most to us because people and circumstances can capitalize on their innocence and inexperience, for example
-      Beware of kidnappers and child abusers
-      Do not place drugs or any toxic materials around where children can crawl or walk, not to allow accident.  Cases of children drinking hypo mistaken for water or mistakenly drinking kerosene or acids are now rampant.  What of all those drugs that are meant for our first aid adult
Please beware and play safe.

The role of culture, religion and education is prominent in the character formation and personality type of mankind. Avoid cultural savagery, religious bigotry and educational quackery not to have a poor future of gerontology.  The diagrams below emphasize the need to have a strong foundation:
-  Medically for healthy periods of prime and old age
-  Diet wise for good physique, developed mental faculty and healthy physiology
-  Educationally for effective service delivery and
-  Spiritually for a life of piety full of achievement and integrity

Text Box: Retirement ageText Box: Gerontology period.  Period 
of dependence on others
Text Box: Acquisition 

Figure:  Growth Profile Into Total Personality Regime

Most of the problems we experience at old age are as a result of the defect in our nature nurturing and socialization process.  We must therefore avoid this for our children by taking better care of them:
*       Happy home is better than separation due to divorce because the child will bear the burden of suffering
*       Consult right medical personnel rather than patronizing the quacks. Avoid self medication
*       Play safe and avoid accidents
*       Make a right career choice rather than play truancy. Be hard working rather than being lazy
*       Live a Godly life rather than that of waywardness and frivolity
*       Be scripture compliant and offer a just worship for a right, divine inspiration to guide you through life endeavours.  Be wise, be rightly guided.

Thanks and God bless.

Ramadhan kareem.

[1] Q33 vs. 21, Q4 vs. 34
[2] Q17 vs. 32
[3] Q76 vs. 1-3, Q23 vs. 11-12, Q31 vs. 14
[4] Q57 vs. 22-23
[5] Q3 vs. 44
[6] Q31vs. 13
[7] Q31 vs. 13
[8] Q31 vs. 15
[9] Q31 vs. 17
[10] Q31 vs. 18-19, Q22 vs. 38
[11] Q96 vs. 4-5
[12] Q30 vs. 54

'Religious groups should be used in promoting healthcare' - Experts say

Health experts have said religious groups could be a most useful tool in promoting healthcare and fighting disease outbreak.
The experts stated that religious groups are an under-used health resource that could help achieve universal healthcare and accelerate the medical response to disease outbreaks.
According to a study published in the Lancet medical journal, faith-based organizations such as the Islamic Relief or theSalvation Army are the only health providers in some regions and the medical community should build on their experience, reach and influence to save lives.
Study author, Edward Mills also said in a statement that"religious groups are major players in the delivery of healthcare, particularly in hard-to-reach and rural areas that are not adequately served by government,"
The study further said during the Ebola outbreak in West Africafaith groups were key mediators, persuading communities to drop their custom of embracing the dead, and providing vital medical services and support.
They also provide support with anti-malaria campaigns, maternal health and HIV services.
Furthermore, in Sierra Leone, Muslim and Christian leaders led the United Nations children's agency (UNICEF) campaign which increased immunization rates in children to 75% from 6%.
To this end, Mills called on the general medical community to recognize the magnitude of services offered (by faith-based groups) and partner or support (them) to provide long-standing improvements in health.
World leaders are due to adopt new development targets, such as ending poverty, reducing child mortality and tackling climate change later this year to replace eight expiring U.N. Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).


Engr. Prof. Sabit A. Olagoke, JP
Chief Lecturer/Dean, School of Engineering, Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro
Research Professor, Organisation of Economists & Business Analysts of Nigeria
COREN Engineering Regulation Monitoring Inspector, Ogun-Lagos Zones
Frmr Head, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro
Fellow, Nigerian Association of Technologists in Engineering
Chairman Senate in Africa, Bradley University, USA Baaroyin Radio Nigeria
Commander of the Order of Melchizedek (COM)
The Ajagun Esin (Religion Warlord) Oyo State, Nigeria
Grand Patron, National Youth Council of Nigeria (Oyo State Chapter)
Executive Director, Centre for Religious Cooperation and Tolerance (CRCT)
Distinguished Fellow, Department of Religious Studies, University of Ibadan
Patron, National Association of Nigerian Football Coaches (Oyo State Chapter)
Founder, Spiritual Head & Chief Imam, Shafaudeen In Islam Worldwide


Ramadhan as the 9th month of the lunar Calendar and as a spiritual exercise is the 4th pillar of Islam that may be 29 or 30 by the general consensus of the Ulamah who must have been empowered by:

*      Moon sighting through the sky where climate is favourably disposed to it or
*      Calculation advantage of the alternating design of 29 or 30 of the Lunar Calendar favoured by the good intention and efforts of the Ulammah, for example, the League of imams of Yoruba land, Delta and Edo States
*      Consensus of opinion based on the advantage of modern day technology via ICT and globalization and internet exploration making Saudi the centre of focus for the purpose of uniformity by all across the nook and crannies of the world.

Ramadhan as a teacher holds the weapon of education where the curriculum delivery is usually through the Train the Trainers approach.  Ramadhan is a pedagogue that demands Islamic scholars or teachers to get prepared right from the month of Rajab with the following behavioural objectives through perfect divine design:

*      Rajab: For Body Preservation From Sin[1]
*      Sha’aban: For Soul Purification[2]
*      Ramadhan: For the prepared body to receive spiritual rejuvenation for the attainment of fear of God.  Laelatul Quadri is for destiny restoration.

Shawwal month six fasting exercises are to revisit our performances in the month of Ramadhan and make supplement to strengthen our weak areas.


*      Qaalaa Nabbiyu (SAW)
Fadlu sha’aban alaa saairi shu’uuri, kafadlii alaa saairi anbiyaai, wafadlu ramdan alaa saairi shu’uuri , kafadlillahi alaa ibaadi-i

The superiority of the month of sha’aban over other months is like my superiority over other prophets and superiority of the month of Ramadhan over other month is like the superiority of Allah over his creations

*      Qaala (SAW) atadruuna lima sumiya sha’aban? Qaalu: Allahu wa rasuulu-u a’alamu. Qaala lianau yatasha’abu fii-khayrun kathiiran

The Prophet (SAW) asked (his companions) “Do you know why the month is called sha’aban? They replied: Allah and his messenger know better than us.  The prophet replied: it is the month of great manifestation of Allah’s grace” . Furthermore, he said, “you clean the body during the month of Rajab, clean the heart during the month of sha’aban and clean the spirit in the month of Ramadhan.  If you do not clean the body in the month of Rajab, clean the heart in the month of sha’aban? How can you receive the inspiration of Allah (the spirit of inspiration)

Therefore, the month of Rajab is for forgiveness from sins, sha’aban for purification of the heart and Ramadhan for revival of the spirit”

Meaning or implying:
*      Body preservations from sins – Rajab
*      Soul purification from evil thoughts – Sha’aban (Nisfu sh’aban is divine ordainment)
*      Just worship from pious worshipper for spiritual or divine rejuvenation when disrupted destiny is restored (destiny restoration Ramadhan)

The great teacher lectures mankind through the well prepared lecturers for the purpose of self realization, self actualization to be able to make positive impact on the society using Positive Mindset Model to achieve the objective of the fasting exercise – fear of God.


·   Tarawwiyya
·   Iftar
·   Sawr
·   Tefsir (sermon, lectures etc.)
·   Qiyyamu laeli
·   Talawatil Qoran
·   Laelatul Quadri
·   Zakatul Fitri
·   Eid El Fitri
·   Alcohol
·   Drug
·   Deliberate break of fast
·   Eating or drinking during the day
·   Romance during the day
·   Adultery or fornication
·   Compulsory for: above puberty age, male and female

Pay back
·   Journey with fatigue
·   Sickly
·   Menstrual period break

·   People with terminal disease or psychosis
·   Breast feeding mother
·   Aged
Fear of God for
·    Divine intervention
·    Special divine favour
·    Warding off evil
·    Protection
·    Prosperity
·    Ease of achievement
·    success

3Q61 vs. 1-4
4Q29 vs. 45

The fear of God is the objective of Ramadhan for humans to do things through due process6.  This is to ensure that a just worship is observed7.  The implications therefore are that:
*      Ramadhan is compulsory for all eligible Muslims
*      At the end of Ramadhan, observers must have imbibed the culture of fear of God, piety and humility
*      The spirit of fear is bad and must be avoided but the fear of God is good through being obedient to the rules of law8

Let us study the implications of fear of God in the table below:

Isaiah 41 vs. 8-9, Rome 6 vs. 18: Servant of God is characterized with fear of God
Q30 vs. 28:  Muslims are expected to be servants of God and not servants of man or wealth
Proverb 1 vs. 7: The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge but fools despise wisdom and instruction
Q2 vs. 183: Achieving fear of God is a must for all Muslims – the objective of Ramadhan
II Timothy 1 vs. 7: For God hath not given us the spirit of fear but of power, love and of a sound mind
Q22 vs. 38: Fear of God must be our focus. Avoid arrogance, boasting, ingratitude
Proverb 14 vs. 26-27
-  In the fear of the Lord is strong confidence, and his children shall have a place of refuge
-  The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life, to depart from the snares of death
Q2 vs. 21, Q3 vs. 102
-  Your guardian, Lord! Who created you and those who came before you, that ye may become righteous (fear of God)
-  O ye who believe! Fear Allah as he should be feared and die not except in a state of Islam (tranquility of the mind and peace in the environment)
Dividend – Isaiah 41 vs. 10-11
-  Fear thou not, for I am with thee, be not dismayed, for I am thy God, I will strengthen then, yea, I will help thee, yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness
-  Behold all they that were incensed against thee shall be ashamed and confounded, they shall be as nothing, and they that strive with thee shall perish
Dividend – Q8 vs. 29
-  O ye who believe if ye fear Allah, He will grant you a criterion (to judge between right and wrong), remove from you (all) evil deeds and forgive you: for Allah is the Lord of grace unbounded.

5Q2 vs. 183-184, Q8 vs. 29
6Q2 vs. 183, John 4 vs. 34, Q33 vs. 21, Q2 vs. 208, Q12 vs. 108
7Q51 vs. 56, Q2 vs. 21, Q3 vs. 102
8Mathew 5 vs. 19, Q6 vs. 163
Ramadhan recognizes the universal concept of education on a tripartite stand of three domains.  Each domain stands on the constituent objectives of religion for the developmental realization of mankind9 on essential services and infrastructural development:

Ramadhan is to inspirationally input power of discerning mind for ease of knowledge (scripture, text) internalization13 and for ease of application.

Ramadhan visits on seasonal basis, annually processing mankind, Muslims in particular for a sanitized society into a well ordered state on issues of good leadership and followership.  The living ones must use the opportunity to be better Muslims and better performers.

Acquired education must reflect in the way we apply the lessons learnt for better behaviour and governance and performances.  Parents therefore must guide their children and wards by these messages so that they do not become victim of social decadence from local, internet and globalization negative influences.

Muslims deserve to offer best global practices worthy of emulation for the efforts of Ramadhan the great teacher, not to be in vain.

Thanks and God bless

1.    Assess yourself and sincerely identify your areas of lack in the three domains and the environment of divinity.  Technically present how will use the occasion of this Ramadhan to make amend.
2.    As a professional, ethics and rules of law are germane to achieving success.  Present a decision chart on how you will ensure standard, quality, justice, equity as may be applicable, using the advantage of the great teacher, Ramadhan with us.
3.    Assess your areas of weaknesses before Ramadhan and present how will use Ramadhan period to effect correction for perfection.
4.    Present a comprehensive report on how you will achieve through Total Quality Assurance message of Ramadhan to live a pious or modest life after Ramadhan.
5.    Advice government on how best to achieve peace and development through justice and equity for our democratic rule for maximum security.

9Q17 vs. 90
10Q41 vs. 33-35
11Q20 vs. 14, 87 vs. 6-9
13Q29 vs. 45
14Q61 vs. 2-4

 1st Corinthian 3 vs. 16-17, Q39 vs. 53
 Q91 vs. 6-10

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