
Monday 18 May 2015

VISION 202020; Experts harp on Establishment of National productivity measurement system (PMS)

Federal government has been advised to establish a nationally coordinated productivity measurement system (PMS)for the country that will consists of National Productivity Centre(NPC) as the coordinating agency , National Bureau of statistics as Data gathering agency, Nigeria institute of social and economic research (NISER) as policy based research institute while the central bank of Nigeria will be the funding agency.
   Experts at the may 2015 NISER research seminar series (NRSS)  made the recommendation at NISER headquarters in Ibadan.
The theme of the seminar ‘computing productivity in the Nigerian economy’; issues and challenges. A presentation of  Alhaji Jibril Musa Yelwa , director ,productivity  measurement and statistics, National Productivity Centre(NPC) Abuja.
In his presentation, Alhaji Jibril Musa Yelwa stated that productivity plays an invaluable role in the economic growth and development of any nation. He also stated that any country with high productivity tends to become a dominant in global market with their citizens enjoying a relatively higher quality of life. While those with low productivity output become increasingly marginalized with relatively low quality of life.
    According to him, should vision 2020 not be a mirage, Nigerians need to double their contributions towards the GDP in other to reach the expected level of productivity.
The special guest at the seminar, Paul M. Bdliya Director General,  National Productivity Centre Abuja emphasized that NPC was established by NPC Act (Ap270 of LFN 2004 specifically charged with the responsibility of stimulating productivity consciousness towards the attainment of higher levels of productivity in all sectors of the Nigerian economy and to promote international cooperation for the enhancement of national productivity and as well with vision to become a world class productivity institution and a key player in the realization of our nation’s overall growth with development objectives.

              Adding “my organization broad aim is to assess the performance of economic sector in the Nigerian economy through productivity indices in other to provide valuable information that will inform national policy directions.”
While pledging his organization deep relationship with NISER . Paul M.Bdliya optimistic that contributions at the seminar will move both organizations forward.
Earlier in his opening remarks, NISER director general, Pro. Olufemi Taiwo observed that since our nationlive in a competitive world which requires high  investment to get good productivity result and if really the objective target of Nigerians is to become one of the 20th largest economy in the world by the year 2020. It is important to compute Nigeria’s productivity level in other to monitor the trend and determine the existing gap in the economy . All these according to the NISER DG will help  us in identifying the deficiencies or hindrances that may likely prevent the nation from achieving the set target.
Adding , ‘ without productivity, the country cannot move forward’.
Prof. Taiwo later confirmed that NISER now  have its own archive where researchers can go through any of there publications since 1960

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