Odumosu Acting Director General NISER made the statement in his welcome address at NISER Research Seminar Series (NRSS) the 11th and last of the series for the year 2015 at the NISER Headquarters lbadan.
He noted that though any investment on infrastructures is a capital intensive project that often involves long term cash flows but if it is done it will not only expand the productive capacity at enterprise level but will increase the GDP of the nation .
He added that infrastructure investments and development is very important and also "a key for the development of any nation'.
Prof. Odumosu later commends the participants for their interest on regular participation and promised that every policy papers presented to the public will be treated with dispatch to the appropriate authority.

In his overview of the seminar topic the chairman Prof.P A Okuneye.Dept.of Agric.Econs and Extension. Federal University of Agriculture (FUNAAB) Abeokuta implore Federal government to provide the enabling environment with adequate infrastructure for the development of micro small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs)in the country this according to him will reduce the labor market growth.

Dr. Foluso Modupe Adeyinka of Economic Policies Research Dept. (EPRD)NISER Ibadan who represented the research team to present the paper titled Infrastructure Investments and Development of Micro. Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) in Nigeria noted that the objectives of the papers is to assess how the contribution of MSMEs infrastructure investments affects the development of the country and reiterate some of the lingering problems that hinder the growth and development of the MSMEs in Nigeria; bring to the fore strategic
options in the reform growth and development of MSMEs and as well propose some policy recommendations as a way forward. On the research methodology and data analysis. Dr. Modupe Adeyinka stated that both quantitative and qualitative methods were used to analyzed the data collected, these according to her include simple descriptive statistics such as the measure of central tendency and the tabulation of data by firm size on infrastructure type; while research findings was on accessible, affordable and adequacy. Speaking on policy recommendations experts urge the three tiers of government through SMEDAN to play its role in the provisions of critical infrastructures, cheeck multiple taxation and involve the financial institutions to provide soft loan at very lower interest rate for the Micro, Small and Medium-sized enterprisers in the country all these things will expand the production capacity and give room for competition at the international market

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