
Thursday 16 March 2017

Towards 2019 Elections; Versity Don Drums Support for Nigerian Female Presidency

A Professor of Sociology at the Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Tukur Baba says a woman is capable of emerging as the President of Nigeria, if given the chance.
The Don said this in Sokoto on Wednesday when he presented a paper‎ entitled, “Women in Conflict Situation in Nigeria” at a two-day National Conference for Directors of Social Communication of Catholic Dioceses.
Baba said: ‘’There are formidable women who can emerge as President, if given the chance.”
‘’Circumstances can bring them up to the peak of leadership. Women have been shielded out of relevance for quite long in the history of the country.
“They need the necessary educational, political and economic empowerment ‎to occupy the position.”
The professor also noted that said Nigeria was blessed with,” excellent women of integrity, skills and abilities that can turn the fortunes of the country for good, if given the chance
“The men have long been sitting on the women and not because women Dcannot emerge as president.
‘’We have formidable, ‎active and courageous women in the political circle.
“They can be as good or bad as men in managing or mismanaging state resources‎.

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