
Tuesday 6 February 2018

SpaceX successfully launches Falcon Heavy rocket

spacex falcon rocket
Image:The rocket blasted off from Florida's Cape CanaveralThe world's most powerful rocket has blasted off from Cape Canaveral, sending a car into an orbit that could last a billion years.
Space X's Falcon Heavy rocket fired up its 27 engines and three boosters and lifted off to raucous cheers and applause at 3.45pm local time.
Its five million pounds of thrust, equal to the power of 18 jumbo jets, appeared to work without a hitch as the rocket sped into the Florida sky on its first test mission.
The big moment was delayed for several hours due to high winds and the success of the mission was far from assured.

The world's most powerful rocket has successfully blasted off into space, with the boosters landing vertically back on earth.
Video:SpaceX Falcon Heavy blast-off
Even SpaceX boss Elon Musk admitted it might all end in a ball of flames as the company embarked on its most ambitious launch to date.
The billonaire, who also owns Tesla, used his own car as the test payload - with David Bowie's Space Oddity playing on lift off and a mannequin spaceman in the driver's seat.
:: The Falcon Heavy is a space race game-chanIf it survives the harsh space environment, SpaceX hopes it will enter an Earth-Mars orbit around the sun. The company says the journey could last a billion years.
The impressive sight of the rocket's side boosters peeling away and landing upright and in unison back at Cape Canaveral came soon after launch.But the return to earth of the central booster was less successful. Mr Musk said that it had crashed into the Atlantic at 300mph, missing the floating landing platform.
He said it hit the water with such force that shrapnel flew onto the droneship's deck and took out two engines
Saturn V, which took astronauts to the moon, could handle more payload, as could the Soviet-era Energia.
Never-the-less, the successful test looks set to pave the way for far bigger commercial satellites being put into orbit.

falcon heavy rocket spacex
Image:The rocket's thrust is equal to 18 jumbo jets
The SpaceX rocket has already been booked to launch several large communications satellites and a test payload for US Air Force.
But Elon Musk plans to go further - by the end of the year he wants to send two paying passengers around the moon.
He is not the only billionaire with space ambitions though.
Amazon boss Jeff Bezos also has a spaceflight company, Blue Origin, and is testing out a resuable rocket to fly space tourists to the edge of space.
A larger orbital rocket, New Glenn, is also in the works that will compete against the likes of SpaceX to put satellites into orbit.

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