
Monday 12 March 2018

Maryam Sanda clears air on alleged birthday party for daughter

Maryam Sanda, standing trial for allegedly killing her husband, Bilyamin Bello, has denied throwing a birthday party to celebrate her daughter's one year anniversary barely a day after the Federal Capital Territory granted her a bail.
Sanda, in a statement released by her family, said there was only a private photoshoot to celebrate the daughter's one year birthday and it was organised by her paternal grandmother.
Sanda was reportedly not present at the photoshoot as she was on bed rest at the time.
The family statement read: "Due to recent events which unfolded over a few days ago regarding the celebration of an innocent child’s first year birthday, we her maternal family have decided to speak up because of what we consider a calculated and malicious effort by certain quarters to ruin the happiness of an innocent child just to destroy her mother.
"Let’s start by saying that the picture shared on social media of Maryam Sanda and her beautiful daughter Aleesha which was claimed to have been taken on Aleesha’s birthday is false. Just by mere comparison of recent and old pictures of the little girl, it will become apparent that Aleesha was a lot younger at the time when the picture was taken. (For the purpose of clarity, the picture in question was taken on the 8th of July, 2017 when Aleesha was only 5 Months old as it is our family tradition to take her pictures every month).
"We’ve attached the photos showing dates from the studio with a time stamp. On the 8th of March, 2018, Aleesha turned 1, and her maternal grandmother (our mum) considered it necessary and in the best interest of the innocent child to organize a PHOTOSHOOT for her (especially as Aleesha had not had her traditional monthly photoshoot ever since the incident that befell her family).
"The picture of Aleesha withcake and balloons which subsequently emerged on social media was a photoshoot and not a birthday party as was falsely reported by various blogs and media houses.
"This Photoshoot happened while her mother was on bed rest and only as to have something to remember her first year in this world, hence, you will not find any picture .of Aleesha with anyone (not even her own mother) on that day. What sort of birthday party could have been organized without children and other party guests?
"The photoshoot was an in-house event and the picture was only sent to Aleesha’s paternal Aunt Kilo in Kebbi State. It is however strange to us how anybody (especially those who pretend to love and care for Aleesha) would have maliciously misrepresented the story and even sold it to the media with such caption and message." 
Sanda was granted bail by judge, Yusuf Halilu, on health grounds after telling the court she is pregnant and needed adequate medical attentions.
The bail was granted on Wednesday, March 7, a day before pictures of the alleged birthday party that has got Nigerians talking.

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