
Monday 25 June 2018

Saudi women hit the road as female driving ban ends

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Video:Woman driver makes Saudi hisomen in Saudi Arabia are celebrating a historic moment, as the country's government ends the ban on female drivers.
The decades-long ban ended at midnight in the kingdom (10pm UK time) and thousands of women were expected to get behind the wheel for the first time.
Tahani Desmani, a mother of five, had to be driven by her husband to meet Sky's Lisa Holland before taking the wheel herself and driving through the busy streets of the country's capital, Riyadh.
She said "I'm really feeling so excited, super happy, overwhelmed with positive feelings and overjoyed.
"This means a lot for us as Saudi women."
Driving was not new to Tahani, as she studied in the US and drove cars there.
When asked if it had been frustrating having to return to the Saudi Arabian driving ban after finishing her study, she said: "We trust our government and we know the decision was postponed for our own sake.
"There are lots of protection measures taking effect now, for example anti-harassment.
"Driving our own cars gives us even more freedom, and a sense of independence and empowerment."
Saudi women examine cars at a showroom in the Red Sea resort of Jeddah on June 23, 2018, a day before the lifting of a ban on women driving in the conservative Arab kingdom
Image:Car showrooms have been welcoming Saudi women
In September, King Salman announced by royal decree that the ban would be ending and the strict Muslim country issued the first driving licences to women earlier this month.
Special driving schools have been set up, car showrooms are heaving with prospective female buyers, and events are being held in Riyadh to encourage new drivers.
While axing the female driving ban is part of a liberalisation drive by the king's son Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, there are also economic reasons behind it.
Since oil was discovered in the Arabian desert in 1938, Saudi Arabia's economy has relied on it.
The oil wealth funds heavy subsidies for Saudis on things like food without leaders imposing income or corporate tax, although a 5% VAT was brought in earlier this year.
As other countries begin to look away from oil and its price falters, however, the crown prince knows he has to look elsewhere to make sure his country can survive in the long-term future.
Part of his plan is to increase female workforce participation from 22% to 30% by 2030 and allowing them to drive will be a vital part of that.
Campaigners saying that the next move should be to end Saudi Arabia's male guardianship system, under which a woman must have a male guardian to make critical decisions on her behalf.
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