
Wednesday 19 August 2015

MDGs By 2015: To Gulp $215Bn; Experts Tells FG.To Look Beyond MDGs

 If a total sum of 215billion US Dollars is not fully utilise on the MDGs as projected in the study conducted in 2008 the achievement of set target goal for 2015 by the Nigeria government on the global
project might become a mirage.
Speaking in his opening remarks at the monthly NRSS.Director General Nigerian Institute of Social Economic
Research (NISER) Prof.Olufemi Taiwo made the comments at NISER Headquarters lbadan.According to the DG.he stated that the study conducted in 2008;sponsored by the Office of the Senior Special Assistant to the President(OSSAP-MDGs)andUnited Nation Development Programmes(UNDP) stated that for Nigeria to achieve the set 2015 target goals over three thousand six hundred billion naira must be judisiously spend annually on the MDGs only.
He therefore urge government to always do a critical analysis of what available on ground and sure of what not affordable before dancing to the tune of international community on any global projects."Affordability is most important before any deal'
While commended federal government financial assistant for research and the institute. Prof.Taiwo however observed that international benchmark should be put into consideration for developing nations.
Presenting a paper titled "Nigeria Achievement of MDGs by 2015h:Reality or Myth'? Dr.Yetunde A Aluko from  Department of Social Governance and Policy Research(SGPRD) NISER Ibadan representing the
study group noted that presently;progress made towards the respective MDGs has been mixed,while Nigeria is on track on some MDGs and lags behind in others.the paper however recommends an aggresive investment
in poverty reduction schemes by the public and NGOs. Massive mobilizations of grass root participation in project implimentation of MDGs programmes. lncrease in allocation of seats to women in political
office in the three tiers of government.lmprovement in the health care delivery system. lnstitutionalization of an holistic social protection strategy for the country as well as monitoring and evaluationacross the counry in line with vision 2020 and Aggresive pursuance of urbanization policy to reduce the suffering of slum dwellers.
On the huge challenges to the achievement of MDGs goals in Nigeria, the presenter observed that even with   achievement there will still be over 35 million people living in extreme poverty  with Nigeria
population estimate of 160 million people,she then urge government to look beyond the MDGs and formulate alternative development strategy that will accelerate development for the country.
ln his closing remarks the chairman Prof.Ifeanyi P Onyeonoru from Department of Sociology Faculty of Social Science University of Ibadan commended the study group for a research well done added that
all comments were noted.

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